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Campus Party Europe 2012

Campus Party Europe  was celebrated between the 21st and 26th fo August at the emblematic airport of Tempelhof, Berlin.


Campus Party is self-defined as the world biggest electronic entertainment event of the world. Lasting a week, it is a 24 hour festival for hackers, developers, gamers and geeks. Beeing divided in 24 different areas, where various presentations, workshops and debates were held, with the presence of important figures such as Paulo Coelho, Tim Berners-Lee or Don Tapscott.


FuVe-E was included in the area dedicated to robotics, where the project "Isaac Peral y Caballero 2012" was presented. Surrounded by people that shared the same interests as us, we could exchange ideas and knowledge through chats and the day to day. We knew other projects and participated as a panel of judges in the robot competition.


After our experience, we hope to keep being part of that campus “family” in future editions.

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